Please Help our Maui cats
Bio-Beetle believes in taking care of the planet, and those on it, including the four legged ones!
Oops. 3 legged ones too!
Although we love all animals, it is "feral" cats, on Maui, that really need help the most. Most aren't actually "feral" (meaning truly wild) but the term is used a lot for community cats, that have been sadly abandond outside, or were born outside, because some human was too ignorant or careless to get their pet fixed!

We manage two colonies and started a cat sanctuary, for cats that were rescued and have no home. Currently we have over 100 "homeless" cats at the sanctuary, that we take care of, and 20-30 more by our office.
Basically we get the cats fixed,and take care of them, feed them, and make sure they are safe and healthy...
Renting a car from us will help, but if you can help monetarily, or in other ways, it would be greatly appreciated!
Besides the high price of feeding over 130 cats... we have several who need medications, and even flea prevention is expensive. We also deal with huge vet bills, for cats we rescue and others that get ill.

Yet, beyond what we are currently doing.... we would love to expand the sanctuary, and are trying to make all of Maui a No Kill island for pets. If you have interest in stopping the suffering, and can help, please contact us! Ideas, time, donations, all are appreciated...
If you can, please send gifts/donations directly to: Bio-Beetle colony Box 1267 Wailuku HI 96793
You can even specifically tell us where you want the money to go to...Or for a tax deductible donation for spaying and neutering, you can send donations to the Feline foundation along with a note that says to be used for the Bio-Beetle colony, P.O.Box 1361 Puunene HI 96784

We also started Save An Animal .org In hopes of making that a non profit organization, so to get grants, to help even more. Although that alone will take at least $2000 donation just to apply! We will someday though...
If you rent a car from us you can visit our office colony and see some of our cats and some of what we are doing...

Buddy, our main office cat. Recovered now, from an infection.
In any case, thank you for your compassion and consideration….
No one should go hungry or be in pain… or killed, just because they don't have a "house" to live in.
Prevent the suffering! Make sure all cats you see are spayed or neutered too!
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